Bryan Behrenshausen's public notebook. Updated irregularly.

February 4, 2024
My 2024 reading list

December 7, 2023
My 2023 reading list

December 1, 2023
My 2023 podcast log

May 15, 2023
Notes on setting team goals

February 5, 2022
On infinite layaway

September 26, 2020
Review of 198X

September 13, 2020
Review of “Goodmorning America!” by 猫 シ Corp.

May 9, 2020
What’s the point? (or, Fifty days of lockdown)

December 28, 2019
Review of Memphis

September 10, 2019
A Guide for Educators

April 24, 2019
Review of The Void

February 22, 2019

February 19, 2019
Review of Babbling Corpse

January 10, 2019
Cultural studies in the present tense

December 5, 2018
A plain text penchant

December 30, 2017
Some open truisms

November 21, 2017
What is the open web?

July 2, 2017
On Mother

February 21, 2017
Mapping meritocracies

January 2, 2017
A year of robustness

August 27, 2016
From Durgapur with love

May 23, 2016
Nineteen years of cathedrals and bazaars

January 23, 2016
Cory Doctorow on bananas

December 20, 2015
Meaning in the age of social media

December 15, 2015
A likelihood better than chance

December 7, 2015
Fanatic life and symbolic death

August 27, 2015
What I’ve learned about kinases

February 20, 2015
How to play games of truth

November 30, 2014
The formation of information

October 3, 2013
My Linux Rig interview

August 27, 2013
Pre-print publication and responsible scholarship

November 26, 2012
The active audience, again

November 23, 2006
Giving thanks